Thursday, April 1, 2004

RE: South Eastern Pennsylvania Transport Authority

Good to hear from you, ***. News from the east always brightens my day; in fact, I've grwown increasingly nostalgic as of late. Times are certainly strange here in San Diego. I work five days a week, which as a shock to the system of the highest order. The gist of it is this:

Around 6 AM, I check the clock and I get out of bed and I take a shower and I put on a suit and I drive to an office and I say "good morning," and I have a donut and I turn on my computer and I process paperwork and produce more paperwork, and I process the paperwork I have newly produced. My vocabulary includes investment jargon such as "counter-cyclical" and "vertically integrated" and "dividend yield" and "10-k" and "Bloomberg." Someone mentions that everyone knows what T.G.I.F. stands for, but not everyone knows that S.H.I.T. stands for So Happy It's Thursday. That strikes me as extremely funny.

Around 5 PM, I turn off my computer and I say "see you tomorrow" and I drive to my house and I take off my suit and I take another shower and I ponder my options for the evening and I check the clock and it's 7 PM already. My vocabulary is normal again.

I believe it was the extra-curriculars you inquired about, so I'll go into some detail there, as well:

Around 7 PM, I go run errands I've put off for awhile or I go drink beers at my friend Mike's house or I go eat dinner at my gilrfriend's apartment or I just go for a drive in my car because it all seems fun even if I'm just sitting there listening to my stereo. Around midnight, I crawl into my girlfriend's bed, or I crawl into my own bed, or I look at my watch and think "I should probably be crawling into fucking bed" as I order another scotch and soda at a local bar. My sleep is fitful as I know that I get to wake up at 6 AM the next morning; in fact, I wake up at 4 AM and 5 AM just to practice looking at the clock and saying "aw, shit."

Next email: the weekend. Stay tuned.