Saturday, August 26, 2006

Back on the Farm

A short montage of video shot back on the farm in Wisconsin, with ever-so-ethereal music from Iceland's Sigur Ros.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

FW: Really bad jokes!

...Perfect for my amigos and amigas! Happy Friday!

Q: What's blue and fucks old people?
A: Hypothermia.

Q: What is the definition of "making love"?
A: Something a woman does while a guy is f*cking her.
Q: Why did God create yeast infections?
A: So women would know what it's like to live with an irritating cunt once in a while too.
Q. What's the difference between acne and a Michael Jackson?
A. Acne usually doesn't come on a kid's face until he's at least 13 years old.
Q. How do you turn a fox into an elephant?
A. Marry it.
Q. What's the height of conceit?
A. Having an orgasm and calling out your own name.
Q. How can you tell if you're at a bulimic bachelor party?
A. The cake jumps out of the girl.
Q. What's the difference between oral sex & anal sex?
A. Oral sex makes your day, anal sex makes your hole weak.
Q. How do you know when it's time to wash dishes and clean the house?
A. Look inside your pants; if you have a penis, it's not time.