Sunday, March 13, 2005

Stars can twinkle through the night

Stars can twinkle through the night
The moon can shine so very bright

The sun can rise and light the day
The wind can make tree branches sway

Rain can soak you to the bone
Snow can make you feel alone

Grass can grow a healthy green
And smell so good…know what I mean?

When it’s dark, crickets can sing
Piss off a bee and he can sting

Birds can fly and fish can swim
Monkeys can swing from limb to limb

Yes, there’s talent everywhere
But nowadays, I just don’t care

You see, I’ve met this special girl
If the world’s an oyster, she’s a pearl

I used to look around this joint
And I’d wonder “what’s the point?”

But when she looks into my eyes
She answers all my hows and whys

She can twinkle like the stars
She lights up this world of ours

All she has to do is smile
And I’m in heaven for awhile

Yeah, dogs can bark and cats can hiss
But I can think about her kiss

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